This International Day of Forests, FSC ANZ celebrates the great work of Australia’s first ever FSC forest management certificate holder, HVP Plantations, in implementing our forest management standards down under.
As climate change concerns rise, demand for sustainable and ethically sourced goods grows. With this in mind, many corporations, businesses and brands are ramping up their eco-friendly advertising schemes to align with a ‘greener’ image.
In recent years, the fashion industry has witnessed a significant surge in the demand for forest-based textile materials, driven largely by the rapid growth of man-made cellulosic fibres (MMCFs).
FSC are inviting certificate holders to register to join this webinar in which details about the revision process of the trademark standard FSC-STD-50-001 will be shared.
FSC is kicking off the new year with a series of webinars to support our EUDR offer -FSC EUDR Aligned- a modular set of solutions that will support FSC certificate holders in EUDR compliance efforts. All webinars will take place twice to cater for the different time zones of FSC’s global stakeholders.